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1A. E. Butterworth, cycle shop, No. 547 Abbeydale Roadt15311

A. E. Butterworth, cycle shop, No. 547 Abbeydale Road

2View from 389 Manor Lanea04327

View from 389 Manor Lane

3Corporation Streett15326

Corporation Street

4Entrance to Neepsend Gas Works, Neepsend Lanet15449

Entrance to Neepsend Gas Works, Neepsend Lane

5Shops on London Road, Heeley Bottom showing (left) No. 502 W. Yeomans (Chesterfield) Ltd., army clothing store and the traffic tidal flow systemt15324

Shops on London Road, Heeley Bottom showing (left) No. 502 W. Yeomans (Chesterfield) Ltd., army clothing store and the traffic tidal flow system

6Former Norton Aerodrome, off Norton Avenuet15207

Former Norton Aerodrome, off Norton Avenue

7Former Royal Exchange Works, Garden Streett15135

Former Royal Exchange Works, Garden Street

8Old Street showing (left) Bard Street Flatst15136

Old Street showing (left) Bard Street Flats

9Carballoy Steel (former premises of Hill Brothers (Horn Handles) Ltd., Horn Handle Works), No. 32 Broom Close, Sharrow and junction with (foreground) Club Garden Roadt15137

Carballoy Steel (former premises of Hill Brothers (Horn Handles) Ltd., Horn Handle Works), No. 32 Broom Close, Sharrow and junction with (foreground) Club Garden Road

10South Yorkshire Door Co. Ltd., No. 11 Rockingham Streett15138

South Yorkshire Door Co. Ltd., No. 11 Rockingham Street

Found 774 records.

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