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1Election leaflet for John Osborn (1922 - 2015), Conservative Party candidate for the Hallam constituencyy15927

Election leaflet for John Osborn (1922 - 2015), Conservative Party candidate for the Hallam constituency

2A Merry Xmas to all [from Sheffield Free Press] - 'with the exception of al those planners, politicians, big businessmen, newspaper editors and bureaucrats etc. who make our lives a misery every other day of the year'y15689

A Merry Xmas to all [from Sheffield Free Press] - 'with the exception of al those planners, politicians, big businessmen, newspaper editors and bureaucrats etc. who make our lives a misery every other day of the year'

3Advertisement for Ujamaa, book and craft shop, No. 259 Glossop Roady15690

Advertisement for Ujamaa, book and craft shop, No. 259 Glossop Road

4Advertisement for free pregnancy testing and advice, British Pregnancy and Advisory Service, No.160 Charles Streety15691

Advertisement for free pregnancy testing and advice, British Pregnancy and Advisory Service, No.160 Charles Street

5Squatters rights artworky15692

Squatters rights artwork

6Advertisement for Nice, handmade pottery, basketwork, leatherwork, art cards, No. 34 Barber Roady15693

Advertisement for Nice, handmade pottery, basketwork, leatherwork, art cards, No. 34 Barber Road

7Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU) pickets on strike at the Fiesta nightclub, Arundel Gatey15694

Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU) pickets on strike at the Fiesta nightclub, Arundel Gate

8Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU) picket line during the strike at the Fiesta nightclub, Arundel Gatey15695

Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU) picket line during the strike at the Fiesta nightclub, Arundel Gate

9Advertisement for Western Jean Company, No. 57 Fargatey15696

Advertisement for Western Jean Company, No. 57 Fargate

10Advertisement for The Himalaya Restaurant, No.13 Convent Walk (off Glossop Road)y15697

Advertisement for The Himalaya Restaurant, No.13 Convent Walk (off Glossop Road)

Found 1678 records.

Page of 168.