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1Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP with the 'Savings Queen', Miss Sylvia Smith, raising the target indicator for 'Salute the Soldier Week', Gleadless School, Hollinsend Roadarc07705

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP with the 'Savings Queen', Miss Sylvia Smith, raising the target indicator for 'Salute the Soldier Week', Gleadless School, Hollinsend Road

2Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall at the Girls Life Brigade inspection, University of Sheffield sports groundarc07706

Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall at the Girls Life Brigade inspection, University of Sheffield sports ground

3Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall at the Girls Life Brigade inspection, University of Sheffield sports groundarc07707

Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall at the Girls Life Brigade inspection, University of Sheffield sports ground

4Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall meeting 'limbless men and women' [sic] at an event organised by the Ministry of Pensions at the City Hall, Barkers Poolarc07708

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall meeting 'limbless men and women' [sic] at an event organised by the Ministry of Pensions at the City Hall, Barkers Pool

5Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP eating lunch at the British Restaurant in the City Hall, Barkers Poolarc07709

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP eating lunch at the British Restaurant in the City Hall, Barkers Pool

6Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP eating lunch with Mr John J. Stubbs, a well known artificial limb maker, British Restaurant in the City Hall, Barkers Poolarc07710

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP eating lunch with Mr John J. Stubbs, a well known artificial limb maker, British Restaurant in the City Hall, Barkers Pool

7Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP (1st right) and the Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall (2nd left) and at a Ministry of Pensions lunch, Royal Victoria Hotelarc07711

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP (1st right) and the Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall (2nd left) and at a Ministry of Pensions lunch, Royal Victoria Hotel

8Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP (1st left) at the opening of the Southey Cricket Week, Longley Parkarc07712

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP (1st left) at the opening of the Southey Cricket Week, Longley Park

9Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and the Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall meeting evacuees from southern England 'escaping the flying bombs'arc07713

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and the Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall meeting evacuees from southern England 'escaping the flying bombs'

10Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and the Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall at the christening of Christine Anne Mortimer, daughter of Mrs E. H. Mortimer, Hillsborough Wesley Methodist Churcharc07714

Lord Mayor, Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP and the Lady Mayoress, Mrs Marshall at the christening of Christine Anne Mortimer, daughter of Mrs E. H. Mortimer, Hillsborough Wesley Methodist Church

Found 1686 records.

Page of 169.