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Found 1789 records

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1Unidentified commanding officer, Sheffield Artillery Volunteersu13792

Unidentified commanding officer, Sheffield Artillery Volunteers

2Unidentified commanding officer, Sheffield Artillery Volunteersu13793

Unidentified commanding officer, Sheffield Artillery Volunteers

3Unidentified commanding officer, Sheffield Artillery Volunteersu13794

Unidentified commanding officer, Sheffield Artillery Volunteers

4Possibly Colonel C. Wardlow, commanding officer, Sheffield Artillery Volunteers (1938-1941)u13796

Possibly Colonel C. Wardlow, commanding officer, Sheffield Artillery Volunteers (1938-1941)

5Possibly Colonel Michael Sugg, commanding officer, Sheffield Artillery Volunteers (1954-1957)u13797

Possibly Colonel Michael Sugg, commanding officer, Sheffield Artillery Volunteers (1954-1957)

6Colonel Roger Inman, commanding officer, Sheffield Artillery Volunteers (1947 - 1951)u13798

Colonel Roger Inman, commanding officer, Sheffield Artillery Volunteers (1947 - 1951)

7Colonel Charles [Benson] MacDonald, commanding officer, Sheffield Artillery Volunteers (1957 - 1960)u13800

Colonel Charles [Benson] MacDonald, commanding officer, Sheffield Artillery Volunteers (1957 - 1960)

8Lt. Colonel Gilbert Willis, commanding officer, Sheffield Artillery Volunteers (1951 - 1954)u13799

Lt. Colonel Gilbert Willis, commanding officer, Sheffield Artillery Volunteers (1951 - 1954)

9Lt. Colonel Ken Bown, commanding officer, Sheffield Artillery Volunteers (1947 - 1951)u13802

Lt. Colonel Ken Bown, commanding officer, Sheffield Artillery Volunteers (1947 - 1951)

10Cover of souvenir programme for Thanksgiving Week,  22nd September - 29th September [1945]y15853

Cover of souvenir programme for Thanksgiving Week, 22nd September - 29th September [1945]

Found 1789 records.

Page of 179.