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1Carved stonework on Yorkshire House for Johnson and Appleyard, the original occupants who were cabinet makers to the HRH Prince of Wales, junction of Barkers Pool and Leopold Street t15425

Carved stonework on Yorkshire House for Johnson and Appleyard, the original occupants who were cabinet makers to the HRH Prince of Wales, junction of Barkers Pool and Leopold Street

2Norfolk Arms public house, No. 26 Dixon Lane and junction of Shude Hill showing (right) Sheaf Markett15426

Norfolk Arms public house, No. 26 Dixon Lane and junction of Shude Hill showing (right) Sheaf Market

3M. H. Motors and ELR Auctions Ltd., The Nichols Building, Shepherd Street looking towards Shalesmoor at the junction with (left) Queens Rowt15427

M. H. Motors and ELR Auctions Ltd., The Nichols Building, Shepherd Street looking towards Shalesmoor at the junction with (left) Queens Row

4Former Jessop Hospital for Women, Leavygreave Roadt15428

Former Jessop Hospital for Women, Leavygreave Road

5Upper Allen Street from Meadow Streett15429

Upper Allen Street from Meadow Street

6Abbey Lane at the junction with Folds Lanet15430

Abbey Lane at the junction with Folds Lane

7Archer Road at the junction with (top left) Abbeydale Road showing GT News, newsagents, No. 992 Abbeydale Roadt15431

Archer Road at the junction with (top left) Abbeydale Road showing GT News, newsagents, No. 992 Abbeydale Road

8Rockingham Lane showing (right) Carver Street Wesleyan Methodist Church buildingst15432

Rockingham Lane showing (right) Carver Street Wesleyan Methodist Church buildings

9Wharncliffe Works, Green Lane, former premises of John Lucas and Sons Ltd., iron merchants, Netherthorpet15433

Wharncliffe Works, Green Lane, former premises of John Lucas and Sons Ltd., iron merchants, Netherthorpe

10River Sheaf Walk, off Broadfield Road showing bridge to Saxon Roadt15434

River Sheaf Walk, off Broadfield Road showing bridge to Saxon Road

Found 2485 records.

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