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1Wharncliffe Works, Green Lane, former premises of John Lucas and Sons Ltd., iron merchants, Netherthorpet15433

Wharncliffe Works, Green Lane, former premises of John Lucas and Sons Ltd., iron merchants, Netherthorpe

2River Sheaf Walk, off Broadfield Road showing bridge to Saxon Roadt15434

River Sheaf Walk, off Broadfield Road showing bridge to Saxon Road

3Footpath linking Little London Road and Broadfield Roadt15435

Footpath linking Little London Road and Broadfield Road

4Marriott Lane, Millhousest15436

Marriott Lane, Millhouses

5Former premises of T. Clarke, hotel supplies and bar fitters, No. 137 Arundel Street and junction of Charles Street, formerly St. Paul's Mission Room and Infant Schoolt15437

Former premises of T. Clarke, hotel supplies and bar fitters, No. 137 Arundel Street and junction of Charles Street, formerly St. Paul's Mission Room and Infant School

6Former quarry off Archer Roadt15438

Former quarry off Archer Road

7Leaving party for Sally Goldsmith, Mappin Art Gallery, Sheffield Museums, Western Bankt16192

Leaving party for Sally Goldsmith, Mappin Art Gallery, Sheffield Museums, Western Bank

8Bronze Age cup and ring stone uncovered at Gardom's Edge, near Baslow, Derbyshire by the Archaeology service, Peak District National Park and the Department of Archaeology and Prehistory, University of Sheffieldt16193

Bronze Age cup and ring stone uncovered at Gardom's Edge, near Baslow, Derbyshire by the Archaeology service, Peak District National Park and the Department of Archaeology and Prehistory, University of Sheffield

9Julian Parsons with archaeological display, Weston Park Museum, Western Bankt16194

Julian Parsons with archaeological display, Weston Park Museum, Western Bank

10Group posing for artist Paul Waplington on Fargate on National Arts Day, early 1980st16200

Group posing for artist Paul Waplington on Fargate on National Arts Day, early 1980s

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