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1Effingham Street gas holdert15264

Effingham Street gas holder

2Car park on Fitzwilliam Streett15270

Car park on Fitzwilliam Street

3Rear of Acme United Ltd., knives and scissors manufacturers, No. 15 Cavendish Street from Fitzwilliam Streett15271

Rear of Acme United Ltd., knives and scissors manufacturers, No. 15 Cavendish Street from Fitzwilliam Street

4Chesterfield Road showing No. 851 Storm, hairdressers and No. 853 Decoupage Craftt15275

Chesterfield Road showing No. 851 Storm, hairdressers and No. 853 Decoupage Craft

5Bromwich Road, Woodseatst15276

Bromwich Road, Woodseats

6Bendibus on Chesterfield Road passing BP petrol station showing (left) former Cammell's School (latterly park keeper's lodge and Little School House and Nursery), No. 2 Cobnar Roadt15278

Bendibus on Chesterfield Road passing BP petrol station showing (left) former Cammell's School (latterly park keeper's lodge and Little School House and Nursery), No. 2 Cobnar Road

7Standon Road showing (back right) Wincobank gas holdert15279

Standon Road showing (back right) Wincobank gas holder

8Construction of new sewer, Millhouses Parkt15280

Construction of new sewer, Millhouses Park

9Wincobank Old School, Blackburn Roadt15281

Wincobank Old School, Blackburn Road

10Construction of new road, probably Holt House Grove, off Abbeydale Roadt15282

Construction of new road, probably Holt House Grove, off Abbeydale Road

Found 2658 records.

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