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1Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Cyclops Works, Savile Street. New rod and bar milly15175

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Cyclops Works, Savile Street. New rod and bar mill

2Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Cyclops Works, Savile Street. File forging shopy15176

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Cyclops Works, Savile Street. File forging shop

3Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Cyclops Works, Savile Street. File cutting machine shops No. 1 (top left), No. 2 (top right), No. 3 (bottom left) and No. 4 (bottom right)y15177

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Cyclops Works, Savile Street. File cutting machine shops No. 1 (top left), No. 2 (top right), No. 3 (bottom left) and No. 4 (bottom right)

4Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Cyclops Works, Savile Street. Views of the Cyclops Worksy15178

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Cyclops Works, Savile Street. Views of the Cyclops Works

5Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Cyclops Works, Savile Street. Carriage and wagon axle hammersy15179

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Cyclops Works, Savile Street. Carriage and wagon axle hammers

6Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Cyclops Works, Savile Street. [Black]smiths' shopy15180

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Cyclops Works, Savile Street. [Black]smiths' shop

7Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Cyclops Works, Savile Street. Laboratoryy15181

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Cyclops Works, Savile Street. Laboratory

8Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.11.12q00098

Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.11.12

9Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Cyclops Works, Savile Street. HMS Inflexible, The first ship to carry 'Wilson' compound (steel faced) armour. Completed in 1881y15215

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Cyclops Works, Savile Street. HMS Inflexible, The first ship to carry 'Wilson' compound (steel faced) armour. Completed in 1881

10Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Cyclops Works, Savile Street. East Forge works showing (top left) 5 ton hammer, (top right) battery of boilers, (bottom left) large plate shears and (bottom right) bar milly15183

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., Cyclops Works, Savile Street. East Forge works showing (top left) 5 ton hammer, (top right) battery of boilers, (bottom left) large plate shears and (bottom right) bar mill

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