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1Park Hill Redevelopment Area, Part 1: [Park Hill Flats construction]. Block A superstructuret14677

Park Hill Redevelopment Area, Part 1: [Park Hill Flats construction]. Block A superstructure

2Sheffield City Council meeting: Samuel Hartley Marshall, Lord Mayorarc07573

Sheffield City Council meeting: Samuel Hartley Marshall, Lord Mayor

3Samuel Hartley Marshall, Lord Mayor of Sheffield [with wife and children]arc07574

Samuel Hartley Marshall, Lord Mayor of Sheffield [with wife and children]

4Sheffield City Council meeting: Samuel Hartley Marshall, Lord Mayorarc07575

Sheffield City Council meeting: Samuel Hartley Marshall, Lord Mayor

5Samuel Hartley Marshall, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, laying a wreath at the war memorial, Barkers Poolarc07576

Samuel Hartley Marshall, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, laying a wreath at the war memorial, Barkers Pool

6Park Hill Redevelopment Area, Part 1: [Park Hill Flats construction]. Block C superstructure showing (back) Bard Street Flatst14678

Park Hill Redevelopment Area, Part 1: [Park Hill Flats construction]. Block C superstructure showing (back) Bard Street Flats

7'Tomorrow. A Pageant of Youth', held at the City Hall, Barkers Pool t15034

'Tomorrow. A Pageant of Youth', held at the City Hall, Barkers Pool

8Samuel Hartley Marshall, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, laying a wreath at the war memorial, Barkers Poolarc07577

Samuel Hartley Marshall, Lord Mayor of Sheffield, laying a wreath at the war memorial, Barkers Pool

9Lady Mayoress of Sheffield, laying a wreath at the war memorial, Barkers Poolarc07578

Lady Mayoress of Sheffield, laying a wreath at the war memorial, Barkers Pool

10Park Hill Redevelopment Area, Part 1: [Park Hill Flats construction]. Block B. Superstructuret14827

Park Hill Redevelopment Area, Part 1: [Park Hill Flats construction]. Block B. Superstructure

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