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1Wortley Union. Rural Sanitary Authority. Drawing and specifications of privies and ashpitsarc04507

Wortley Union. Rural Sanitary Authority. Drawing and specifications of privies and ashpits

2Proposed public urinal at the corner of Ellesmere Road and Gower Street, Sheffieldarc04508

Proposed public urinal at the corner of Ellesmere Road and Gower Street, Sheffield

3[Proposed public urinal] at the corner of Granville Road and Fitzwalter Road, Sheffieldarc04509

[Proposed public urinal] at the corner of Granville Road and Fitzwalter Road, Sheffield

4Mackenzies' Castings: ground plan of water closets, etcarc04510

Mackenzies' Castings: ground plan of water closets, etc

5Drawings entitled 'Intended grotto for the new park'arc04511

Drawings entitled 'Intended grotto for the new park'

6Tracings of a [lock] or [drain]?arc04512

Tracings of a [lock] or [drain]?

7Rough sketch of a new wall, Bellevue Road, [?Sheffield]arc04513

Rough sketch of a new wall, Bellevue Road, [?Sheffield]

8Rough tracings for drainage for an unidentified buildingarc04514

Rough tracings for drainage for an unidentified building

9Unidentified tracing of, possibly, a detail of a pedimentarc04515

Unidentified tracing of, possibly, a detail of a pediment

10Slaughter house at Grenoside for Mr J. W. Oatesarc04516

Slaughter house at Grenoside for Mr J. W. Oates

Found 3868 records.

Page of 387.