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1Osgathorpe Hills, Pitsmoor, family home of Henry Joseph Wilson (1833-1914) and Charlotte Cowan Wilson (1833-1921), viewed from across the river (before Scott Road was built), [early 20th cent?]arc07823

Osgathorpe Hills, Pitsmoor, family home of Henry Joseph Wilson (1833-1914) and Charlotte Cowan Wilson (1833-1921), viewed from across the river (before Scott Road was built), [early 20th cent?]

2Grounds at Osgathorpe Hills, Pitsmoor (before Scott Road was built), family home of Henry Joseph Wilson (1833-1914) and Charlotte Cowan Wilson (1833-1921), [early 20th cent?] arc07824

Grounds at Osgathorpe Hills, Pitsmoor (before Scott Road was built), family home of Henry Joseph Wilson (1833-1914) and Charlotte Cowan Wilson (1833-1921), [early 20th cent?]

3Grounds from front of Osgathorpe Hills, Pitsmoor, family home of Henry Joseph Wilson (1833-1914) and Charlotte Cowan Wilson (1833-1921), looking towards the pond, [early 20th cent?]arc07826

Grounds from front of Osgathorpe Hills, Pitsmoor, family home of Henry Joseph Wilson (1833-1914) and Charlotte Cowan Wilson (1833-1921), looking towards the pond, [early 20th cent?]

4Fargate showing (left) the Queen Victoria Statue, Town Hall Square and (right) the Albany Hotelt16090

Fargate showing (left) the Queen Victoria Statue, Town Hall Square and (right) the Albany Hotel

5Sheffield Corporation Tramways double deck electric tramcaru13666

Sheffield Corporation Tramways double deck electric tramcar

6Sheffield Corporation Tramways double decker tramcar No. 178 on the Nether Green routeu13674

Sheffield Corporation Tramways double decker tramcar No. 178 on the Nether Green route

7Sheffield Corporation Tramways double decker tram No. 296u13682

Sheffield Corporation Tramways double decker tram No. 296

8Sheffield Corporation Tramways single decker tramu13683

Sheffield Corporation Tramways single decker tram

9Sheffield Corporation Tramways double decker tram No. 208 on Nether Green routeu13684

Sheffield Corporation Tramways double decker tram No. 208 on Nether Green route

10Sheffield Corporation Tramways double decker tram No. 250 u13685

Sheffield Corporation Tramways double decker tram No. 250

Found 3868 records.

Page of 387.