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1Opening of the Music in the Parks season, 1937 showing (4th right) Lord Mayor, Councillor Ann Eliza Longden (1869 - 1952) and (2nd right) Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JParc07798

Opening of the Music in the Parks season, 1937 showing (4th right) Lord Mayor, Councillor Ann Eliza Longden (1869 - 1952) and (2nd right) Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP

2Junior Art Exhibition opening showing (4th left) Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JParc07799

Junior Art Exhibition opening showing (4th left) Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall JP

3Darnall Old Hall, Main Road by F. Hallamu13851

Darnall Old Hall, Main Road by F. Hallam

4Presentation of the honorary Freedom of the City, Victoria Hall, Norfolk Streetu13863

Presentation of the honorary Freedom of the City, Victoria Hall, Norfolk Street

5Harry Pearson, Durham Light Infantryarc07861

Harry Pearson, Durham Light Infantry

6Electric tram decorated for the Coronation of George Vt15035

Electric tram decorated for the Coronation of George V

7Worrall National School, Towngate Roadp01976

Worrall National School, Towngate Road

8Rev. W. Sykes, first vicar (1902- 1919) of Christ Church, Hillsborough and Wadsley Bridge, No. 21 Halifax Roady15520

Rev. W. Sykes, first vicar (1902- 1919) of Christ Church, Hillsborough and Wadsley Bridge, No. 21 Halifax Road

9Rev. C. J. Gilmore, vicar (1919- 1920) of Christ Church, Hillsborough and Wadsley Bridge, No. 21 Halifax Roady15521

Rev. C. J. Gilmore, vicar (1919- 1920) of Christ Church, Hillsborough and Wadsley Bridge, No. 21 Halifax Road

10(Lee of Sheffield Ltd.) Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturers, probably Crown Steel and Wire Works, Bessemer Roadu13334

(Lee of Sheffield Ltd.) Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturers, probably Crown Steel and Wire Works, Bessemer Road

Found 3868 records.

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