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1Poster relating to a figure skating performance by young people of Sheffield and Donetsk (Ukraine), 1980y15496

Poster relating to a figure skating performance by young people of Sheffield and Donetsk (Ukraine), 1980

2Bar in former S. H. Ward and Co. Ltd., Sheaf Brewery, No. 129 Ecclesall Roada08447

Bar in former S. H. Ward and Co. Ltd., Sheaf Brewery, No. 129 Ecclesall Road

3Former entrance gates to S. H. Ward and Co. Ltd., Sheaf Brewery, No. 129 Ecclesall Roada08448

Former entrance gates to S. H. Ward and Co. Ltd., Sheaf Brewery, No. 129 Ecclesall Road

4South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Rail tracks alongside the Tinsley Viaductsypte00494

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Rail tracks alongside the Tinsley Viaduct

5South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Rail tracks and footbridge alongside the Tinsley Viaductsypte00495

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Rail tracks and footbridge alongside the Tinsley Viaduct

6South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Electroline trolley bussypte00497

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Electroline trolley bus

7South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Electroline trolley bussypte00498

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Electroline trolley bus

8South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). ECW (Eastern Coach Works) modified bus showing driver service and self service entrancessypte00499

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). ECW (Eastern Coach Works) modified bus showing driver service and self service entrances

9South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). [Daimler] Fleetline bus with modified ticket and security sytemsypte00500

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). [Daimler] Fleetline bus with modified ticket and security sytem

10South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Information screens, Sheffield Transport Interchange / Pond Street bus stationsypte00501

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Information screens, Sheffield Transport Interchange / Pond Street bus station

Found 517 records.

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