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1South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Pond Street bus station showing (back) Fiesta nightclub, Cannon cinema and Top Rank suitesypte00509

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Pond Street bus station showing (back) Fiesta nightclub, Cannon cinema and Top Rank suite

2South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Sheffield Transport Interchange / Pond Street bus station showing (centre) Heriot House, offices, c. 1990sypte00510

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Sheffield Transport Interchange / Pond Street bus station showing (centre) Heriot House, offices, c. 1990

3Exchange Street showing The Gallery, Castle Markett14887

Exchange Street showing The Gallery, Castle Market

4Exchange Street showing (left) The Market Tavern, (centre) No. 35 Top Spin, Mudford's Building and South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE), Hambledon Houset14888

Exchange Street showing (left) The Market Tavern, (centre) No. 35 Top Spin, Mudford's Building and South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE), Hambledon House

5Haymarket looking towards the junction with (centre right) High Street, (centre left) Commercial Street and (top centre) Fitzalan Square showing (top right) Marples Hotel and (top left) the General Post Officet14889

Haymarket looking towards the junction with (centre right) High Street, (centre left) Commercial Street and (top centre) Fitzalan Square showing (top right) Marples Hotel and (top left) the General Post Office

6Dixon Lane showing (l. to r.) No. 20 Dewhurst, butchers; No. 18 Kings, delicatessen, No. 16 Thurston's bakers; No. 14 Thresher Drinks Store and side entrance to British Home Stores (BHS)t14890

Dixon Lane showing (l. to r.) No. 20 Dewhurst, butchers; No. 18 Kings, delicatessen, No. 16 Thurston's bakers; No. 14 Thresher Drinks Store and side entrance to British Home Stores (BHS)

7View of (centre) Sheaf Street, (top left) Park Hill Flats and (top right) Claywood Flatst14891

View of (centre) Sheaf Street, (top left) Park Hill Flats and (top right) Claywood Flats

8Exchange Street showing (centre) Setts Market and (right) South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE), Hambledon Houset14892

Exchange Street showing (centre) Setts Market and (right) South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE), Hambledon House

9Rear of Blonk Street from Castlegate showing Hancock and Lant Ltd., furniture dealerst14893

Rear of Blonk Street from Castlegate showing Hancock and Lant Ltd., furniture dealers

10Arundel Gate showing (back right) Roxy nightclubt14894

Arundel Gate showing (back right) Roxy nightclub

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