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1South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Footbridge leading to staircase, Sheffield Midland railway stationsypte00418

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Footbridge leading to staircase, Sheffield Midland railway station

2South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Staircase to footbridge, Sheffield Midland railway stationsypte00419

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Staircase to footbridge, Sheffield Midland railway station

3South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Staircase leading to footbridge, Sheffield Midland railway stationsypte00420

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Staircase leading to footbridge, Sheffield Midland railway station

4South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Railway platform and staircase to footbridge, Sheffield Midland railway stationsypte00421

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Railway platform and staircase to footbridge, Sheffield Midland railway station

5South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Platform 1a, Sheffield Midland railway stationsypte00422

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Platform 1a, Sheffield Midland railway station

6South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Station foyer, Sheffield Midland railway stationsypte00423

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Station foyer, Sheffield Midland railway station

7South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Ticket and information office, Sheffield Midland railway station sypte00424

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Ticket and information office, Sheffield Midland railway station

8South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Entrance to travel centre from the station foyer, Sheffield Midland railway stationsypte00425

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Entrance to travel centre from the station foyer, Sheffield Midland railway station

9South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Station foyer, Sheffield Midland railway station sypte00429

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Station foyer, Sheffield Midland railway station

10South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Station foyer showing (right) the ticket and information office and (top left) the footbridge, Sheffield Midland railway stationsypte00426

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Station foyer showing (right) the ticket and information office and (top left) the footbridge, Sheffield Midland railway station

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