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1South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Looking towards platform 6, Sheffield Midland railway station sypte00408

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Looking towards platform 6, Sheffield Midland railway station

2South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Looking towards platform 6 and the Quick Snack,platform buffet, Sheffield Midland railway station sypte00409

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Looking towards platform 6 and the Quick Snack,platform buffet, Sheffield Midland railway station

3South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Sheffield Midland railway stationsypte00410

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Sheffield Midland railway station

4South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Platform 5 showing station manager's office and public lavatories, Sheffield Midland railway stationsypte00411

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Platform 5 showing station manager's office and public lavatories, Sheffield Midland railway station

5South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Inter City train, Sheffield Midland railway stationsypte00412

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Inter City train, Sheffield Midland railway station

6South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Parcels office and car park, Sheffield Midland railway station showing (back centre) Claywood Flatssypte00413

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Parcels office and car park, Sheffield Midland railway station showing (back centre) Claywood Flats

7South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Parcels office and car park, Sheffield Midland railway station sypte00414

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Parcels office and car park, Sheffield Midland railway station

8South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Car park, Sheffield Midland railway station showing (back) Park Hill Flatssypte00415

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Car park, Sheffield Midland railway station showing (back) Park Hill Flats

9South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Information boards, Sheffield Midland railway sstation sypte00416

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Information boards, Sheffield Midland railway sstation

10South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Information boards, Sheffield Midland railway stationsypte00417

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Information boards, Sheffield Midland railway station

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