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1Map of the post roads to and from the Tontine Inn, Sheffield, [1832] (reverse)arc07566

Map of the post roads to and from the Tontine Inn, Sheffield, [1832] (reverse)

2A statement of the probable cost of the carrying coal along several railways compared with the River Dun Navigation and the canals connected with it. arc07567

A statement of the probable cost of the carrying coal along several railways compared with the River Dun Navigation and the canals connected with it.

3Broadsheet: Chartist Sunday meetings: correspondence between the Rev. Thomas Kerns and the Sheffield Chartists, 1822 - 1848arc07571

Broadsheet: Chartist Sunday meetings: correspondence between the Rev. Thomas Kerns and the Sheffield Chartists, 1822 - 1848

4Unidentified 'old estate offices'arc04496

Unidentified 'old estate offices'

5Life and trial of Spence Broughton: from "Tom Spring’s life in London"arc07802

Life and trial of Spence Broughton: from "Tom Spring’s life in London"

6Mrs W. Wilson [evidently Mrs Rebekah Wilson (1770-1858)], c. 1850arc07804

Mrs W. Wilson [evidently Mrs Rebekah Wilson (1770-1858)], c. 1850

7Card issued by R. Waterhouse, wholesale confectioner, West Bar for distribution with funeral biscuitsy15498

Card issued by R. Waterhouse, wholesale confectioner, West Bar for distribution with funeral biscuits

8Card issued by J[ames] Morton [possibly No.138 Infirmary Road], for distribution with funeral biscuitsy15499

Card issued by J[ames] Morton [possibly No.138 Infirmary Road], for distribution with funeral biscuits

9Card issued by Henry Wilson, confectioner, West Bar for distribution with funeral biscuitsy15500

Card issued by Henry Wilson, confectioner, West Bar for distribution with funeral biscuits

10Card issued by M. Howe, confectioner, Union Street for distribution with funeral biscuitsy15501

Card issued by M. Howe, confectioner, Union Street for distribution with funeral biscuits

Found 4789 records.

Page of 479.