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1Tea service, E. Leclere, electro plate manufacturer, No. 56 Howard Street arc07896

Tea service, E. Leclere, electro plate manufacturer, No. 56 Howard Street

2Tea service, E. Leclere, electro plate manufacturer, No. 56 Howard Street arc07897

Tea service, E. Leclere, electro plate manufacturer, No. 56 Howard Street

3Tea service, E. Leclere, electro plate manufacturer, No. 56 Howard Street arc07898

Tea service, E. Leclere, electro plate manufacturer, No. 56 Howard Street

4Tea service, E. Leclere, electro plate manufacturer, No. 56 Howard Street arc07899

Tea service, E. Leclere, electro plate manufacturer, No. 56 Howard Street

5A. H. Holland, provision merchant and importer,[ No. 9] Fargate. Front cover of wholesale food price list, Christmas 1900y15645

A. H. Holland, provision merchant and importer,[ No. 9] Fargate. Front cover of wholesale food price list, Christmas 1900

6A. H. Holland, provision merchant and importer,[ No. 9] Fargate. Wholesale food price list, Christmas, 1900y15646

A. H. Holland, provision merchant and importer,[ No. 9] Fargate. Wholesale food price list, Christmas, 1900

7A. H. Holland, provision merchant and importer,[ No. 9] Fargate. Wholesale food price list, Christmas. 1900y15647

A. H. Holland, provision merchant and importer,[ No. 9] Fargate. Wholesale food price list, Christmas. 1900

8A. H. Holland, provision merchant and importer,[ No. 9] Fargate. Wholesale food price list, Christmas, 1900y15648

A. H. Holland, provision merchant and importer,[ No. 9] Fargate. Wholesale food price list, Christmas, 1900

9Baptism card for Archibald Cowley for baptism at St. Andrew's C.of E. Church, St. Andrews Roady15926

Baptism card for Archibald Cowley for baptism at St. Andrew's C.of E. Church, St. Andrews Road

10School of Art, Arundel Street. View into the antique room from the corridor by the central staircaseu13857

School of Art, Arundel Street. View into the antique room from the corridor by the central staircase

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