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1Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., steel manufacturers, Derwent Iron and Steel Works, Workington (Cumberland) Pig iron stacksy15281

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., steel manufacturers, Derwent Iron and Steel Works, Workington (Cumberland) Pig iron stacks

2Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., steel manufacturers, Derwent Iron and Steel Works, Workington (Cumberland). Blast furnaces and casting bedsy15278

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., steel manufacturers, Derwent Iron and Steel Works, Workington (Cumberland). Blast furnaces and casting beds

3Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., steel manufacturers, Derwent Iron and Steel Works, Workington (Cumberland).. Blast furnaces and hot stovesy15279

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., steel manufacturers, Derwent Iron and Steel Works, Workington (Cumberland).. Blast furnaces and hot stoves

4Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., steel manufacturers, Derwent Iron and Steel Works, Workington (Cumberland). Battery of boilers fired by waste gas from the blast furnacesy15280

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., steel manufacturers, Derwent Iron and Steel Works, Workington (Cumberland). Battery of boilers fired by waste gas from the blast furnaces

5Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., steel manufacturers, Derwent Iron and Steel Works, Workington (Cumberlan). Bessemer cupola stagey15282

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., steel manufacturers, Derwent Iron and Steel Works, Workington (Cumberlan). Bessemer cupola stage

6Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., steel manufacturers, Derwent Iron and Steel Works, Workington Cumberlan). Cupola blowing engines y15283

Charles Cammell and Co. Ltd., steel manufacturers, Derwent Iron and Steel Works, Workington Cumberlan). Cupola blowing engines

7Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.7.21q00101

Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.7.21

8Letitia Snelgrovey15673

Letitia Snelgrove

9Winnie Snelgrove, aged 5 yearsy15672

Winnie Snelgrove, aged 5 years

10Unnamed woman probably associated with the Snelgrove familyy15676

Unnamed woman probably associated with the Snelgrove family

Found 6373 records.

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