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1No. 6 rack, Oakland drawing 3 inches x 1 and a half inches bar, (Lee of Sheffield Ltd.) Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturersu13391

No. 6 rack, Oakland drawing 3 inches x 1 and a half inches bar, (Lee of Sheffield Ltd.) Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturers

2'The winning goal'. Football match British Steel Wire Industries Association (BSWIA) cup final, Warrington, Lancashireu13509

'The winning goal'. Football match British Steel Wire Industries Association (BSWIA) cup final, Warrington, Lancashire

3Sheffield Post Office, Fitzalan Square arc07534

Sheffield Post Office, Fitzalan Square

4Royal Hospital, ophthalmic operating theatrearc07506

Royal Hospital, ophthalmic operating theatre

5Sheffield and Ecclesall Co-operative Society Ltd: The Arcade Xmas shopping guide - gifts worth giving and havingy15144

Sheffield and Ecclesall Co-operative Society Ltd: The Arcade Xmas shopping guide - gifts worth giving and having

6Sheffield and Ecclesall Co-operative Society Ltd: The Arcade Xmas shopping guide - here is her gift!y15145

Sheffield and Ecclesall Co-operative Society Ltd: The Arcade Xmas shopping guide - here is her gift!

7Sheffield and Ecclesall Co-operative Society Ltd: The Arcade Xmas shopping guide - give something to weary15146

Sheffield and Ecclesall Co-operative Society Ltd: The Arcade Xmas shopping guide - give something to wear

8Sheffield and Ecclesall Co-operative Society Ltd: The Arcade Xmas shopping guide - for your friends and her familyy15147

Sheffield and Ecclesall Co-operative Society Ltd: The Arcade Xmas shopping guide - for your friends and her family

9Sheffield and Ecclesall Co-operative Society Ltd: The Arcade Xmas shopping guide - your own intimate weary15148

Sheffield and Ecclesall Co-operative Society Ltd: The Arcade Xmas shopping guide - your own intimate wear

10Sheffield and Ecclesall Co-operative Society Ltd: The Arcade Xmas shopping guide - gift ideas for the homey15149

Sheffield and Ecclesall Co-operative Society Ltd: The Arcade Xmas shopping guide - gift ideas for the home

Found 4464 records.

Page of 447.