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1Footpath leading to Birch Farm Avenue, Nortont14137

Footpath leading to Birch Farm Avenue, Norton

2Birch Farm Avenue, Nortont14138

Birch Farm Avenue, Norton

3Duncombe Street from (foreground) Howard Roadt14139

Duncombe Street from (foreground) Howard Road

4Duncombe Street from (foreground) Howard Road t14140

Duncombe Street from (foreground) Howard Road

5Fulton Road, Walkleyt14141

Fulton Road, Walkley

6Sheffield Buddhist Centre, Howard Roadt14142

Sheffield Buddhist Centre, Howard Road

7Howard Road at the junction of (left) Cromwell Streett14143

Howard Road at the junction of (left) Cromwell Street

8Cromwell Street, Walkley from (foreground) Howard Roadt14144

Cromwell Street, Walkley from (foreground) Howard Road

9Cundy Street from (foreground) Howard Road showing (right) Pizza Di Mama, No. 206 Howard Roadt14145

Cundy Street from (foreground) Howard Road showing (right) Pizza Di Mama, No. 206 Howard Road

10Fir Street (centre) at the junction with (foreground) South Road showing (right) Walkley TV Services, Nos. 259 - 261 South Roadt14146

Fir Street (centre) at the junction with (foreground) South Road showing (right) Walkley TV Services, Nos. 259 - 261 South Road

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