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1Cumberland Street showing ( r.) No. 30 Moor Fisheries, No. 26 Moor Print and No. 24 Yorkshire Metropolitan Housing, Housing Associationt13738

Cumberland Street showing ( r.) No. 30 Moor Fisheries, No. 26 Moor Print and No. 24 Yorkshire Metropolitan Housing, Housing Association

2Cumberland Street at the junction with (centre) South Lane showing No. 10 The Moorfoot Tavernt13739

Cumberland Street at the junction with (centre) South Lane showing No. 10 The Moorfoot Tavern

3Hereford Street looking towards South Lane and the Manpower Services Commission offices showing (left) the Exploding Crucible sculpture and (right) Dempseys, bar and club, No. 1 Hereford Streett13740

Hereford Street looking towards South Lane and the Manpower Services Commission offices showing (left) the Exploding Crucible sculpture and (right) Dempseys, bar and club, No. 1 Hereford Street

4Hereford Street from South Lane t13741

Hereford Street from South Lane

5Fitzwilliam Gatet13742

Fitzwilliam Gate

6Construction site for new Sheffield College, Hillsborough, Livesey Streett13743

Construction site for new Sheffield College, Hillsborough, Livesey Street

7Former premises of Sanderson Kayser Ltd., Darnall Roadt13744

Former premises of Sanderson Kayser Ltd., Darnall Road

8Former premises of Sanderson Kayser Ltd., Darnall Roadt13745

Former premises of Sanderson Kayser Ltd., Darnall Road

9Kingswood Hall Apartments, Middlewoodt13746

Kingswood Hall Apartments, Middlewood

10Probably Sheaf Market prior to demolitionv05137

Probably Sheaf Market prior to demolition

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