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1(Lee of Sheffield Ltd.) Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturersu13390

(Lee of Sheffield Ltd.) Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturers

2(Lee of Sheffield Ltd.) Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturersu13392

(Lee of Sheffield Ltd.) Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturers

3Bishops' House, Meersbrook Park, off Norton Lees Lanet14100

Bishops' House, Meersbrook Park, off Norton Lees Lane

4Bowling green, Meersbrook Park showing housing on (left) Meersbrook Park Road and (right) Burnside Avenuet14101

Bowling green, Meersbrook Park showing housing on (left) Meersbrook Park Road and (right) Burnside Avenue

5Composite postcard of Sheffield: clockwise top left, New drive through Wyming Brook; Entrance, Endcliffe Woods; Upper Cut Wheel, Rivelin; New drive through Wymimg Brook; University of Sheffield; Beauchief Abbey and Rivelin Valley from Wyming Brookt14102

Composite postcard of Sheffield: clockwise top left, New drive through Wyming Brook; Entrance, Endcliffe Woods; Upper Cut Wheel, Rivelin; New drive through Wymimg Brook; University of Sheffield; Beauchief Abbey and Rivelin Valley from Wyming Brook

6A ramble in Whiteley Woods, Sheffieldt14103

A ramble in Whiteley Woods, Sheffield

7Duck pond, Western [Weston] Park, Sheffieldt14104

Duck pond, Western [Weston] Park, Sheffield

8Rivelin Valley, Sheffieldt14105

Rivelin Valley, Sheffield

9[Duck pond] Weston Park, Sheffieldt14106

[Duck pond] Weston Park, Sheffield

10The Dam, Endcliffe [Park]t14107

The Dam, Endcliffe [Park]

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