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1Northumberland Road, Broomhillt13728

Northumberland Road, Broomhill

2Renovation of Weston Park Museum, from Mushroom Lanet13729

Renovation of Weston Park Museum, from Mushroom Lane

3Alley off George Street underneath former Sheffield Banking Company buildingt13730

Alley off George Street underneath former Sheffield Banking Company building

4Long Line, Ringinglowt13731

Long Line, Ringinglow

5Long Line, Ringinglow looking towards Sheephill Farm, Sheephill Road t13732

Long Line, Ringinglow looking towards Sheephill Farm, Sheephill Road

6Ringinglow Road at the junction with (left) Fulwood Lane t13733

Ringinglow Road at the junction with (left) Fulwood Lane

7Ringinglow Road at the junction with (right) Fulwood Lane t13734

Ringinglow Road at the junction with (right) Fulwood Lane

8Bennet Grange, Harrison Lane, Fulwood t13735

Bennet Grange, Harrison Lane, Fulwood

9View from Harrison Lane across the Mayfield Valley showing (right) Mill Lane Farm, Mayfield Roadt13736

View from Harrison Lane across the Mayfield Valley showing (right) Mill Lane Farm, Mayfield Road

10Bole Hill Farm, Harrison Lane and corner of (left) Blackbrook Roadt13737

Bole Hill Farm, Harrison Lane and corner of (left) Blackbrook Road

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