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1Broadsheet: Uncle Tom's burial, Poor Tom, and Red, White and Blue or Britannia, the Pride of the Seay15537

Broadsheet: Uncle Tom's burial, Poor Tom, and Red, White and Blue or Britannia, the Pride of the Sea

2Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.11.3q00091

Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.11.3

3Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.11.4q00092

Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.11.4

4Sheffield General Infirmary (latterly Sheffield Royal Infirmary), Infirmary Road, Sheffieldov00138

Sheffield General Infirmary (latterly Sheffield Royal Infirmary), Infirmary Road, Sheffield

5Corn Exchange - plan of cellarsarc04416

Corn Exchange - plan of cellars

6Card issued by R. Waterhouse, wholesale confectioner, West Bar for distribution with funeral biscuitsy15497

Card issued by R. Waterhouse, wholesale confectioner, West Bar for distribution with funeral biscuits

7Plan of an estate near Wadsley Bridge in the parish of Ecclesfield belonging to the Duke of Norfolk in the occupation of Mrs Holt and othersarc04465

Plan of an estate near Wadsley Bridge in the parish of Ecclesfield belonging to the Duke of Norfolk in the occupation of Mrs Holt and others

8Beeley Wood Lane / Limestone Hall Lane: proposed railway line [Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway]arc04466

Beeley Wood Lane / Limestone Hall Lane: proposed railway line [Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway]

9Plan of the west side of Birley Edge Roadarc04467

Plan of the west side of Birley Edge Road

10Oughtibridge Hall and lands to the Donarc04468

Oughtibridge Hall and lands to the Don

Found 4556 records.

Page of 456.