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1Sheffield United Football Club celebrating their promotion to the Premier Leaguea08545

Sheffield United Football Club celebrating their promotion to the Premier League

2Sheffield's Lord Mayor, Magic Magid with Shelley and Jo from GiveBloodNHS at the Town Halla07982

Sheffield's Lord Mayor, Magic Magid with Shelley and Jo from GiveBloodNHS at the Town Hall

3Leaded window, White Lion public house, No. 615 London Road, Heeleya08457

Leaded window, White Lion public house, No. 615 London Road, Heeley

4Supertram No. 120 at Castle Squaresypte00161

Supertram No. 120 at Castle Square

5Page Hall Quick Clean (formerly Peel's Coliseum), washeteria, No. 25 Page Hall Roadt14125

Page Hall Quick Clean (formerly Peel's Coliseum), washeteria, No. 25 Page Hall Road

6White Lion public house, No. 615 London Road, Heeleya08456

White Lion public house, No. 615 London Road, Heeley

7Oaks Lanet13618

Oaks Lane

8Oaks Lanet13619

Oaks Lane

9Former Oaks Lane Farmt13620

Former Oaks Lane Farm

10Oaks Lanet13621

Oaks Lane

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