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1Museum entrance and fountain, Weston Parky15514

Museum entrance and fountain, Weston Park

2Wincobank Colliery - coal drift, Newman Road - probably in the gap between numbers 295 and 297a08542

Wincobank Colliery - coal drift, Newman Road - probably in the gap between numbers 295 and 297

3Broadsheet: Uncle Tom's burial, Poor Tom, and Red, White and Blue or Britannia, the Pride of the Seay15537

Broadsheet: Uncle Tom's burial, Poor Tom, and Red, White and Blue or Britannia, the Pride of the Sea

4Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.11.3q00091

Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.11.3

5Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.11.4q00092

Ordnance Survey Map, sheet no. Yorkshire No. 294.11.4

6Sheffield General Infirmary (latterly Sheffield Royal Infirmary), Infirmary Road, Sheffieldov00138

Sheffield General Infirmary (latterly Sheffield Royal Infirmary), Infirmary Road, Sheffield

7Plan of the village of Water Eaton, Buckinghamshire and part of an adjoining township, [1835]arc04366

Plan of the village of Water Eaton, Buckinghamshire and part of an adjoining township, [1835]

8Plan of the parish of Whittington (part 1 of 3) - Netherfield, [1801]arc04389

Plan of the parish of Whittington (part 1 of 3) - Netherfield, [1801]

9Plan of the parish of Whittington (part 2 of 3) - Upper Field, [1801]arc04390

Plan of the parish of Whittington (part 2 of 3) - Upper Field, [1801]

10Plan of the parish of Whittington (covered by arc04389, arc04390 and arc04391)arc04392

Plan of the parish of Whittington (covered by arc04389, arc04390 and arc04391)

Found 5346 records.

Page of 535.