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1Oaks Lanet13619

Oaks Lane

2Former Oaks Lane Farmt13620

Former Oaks Lane Farm

3Oaks Lanet13621

Oaks Lane

4Caravan park off Penistone Road showing (back) Independent Forgings and Alloys Ltd., Victoria Forge, Livesey Streett13622

Caravan park off Penistone Road showing (back) Independent Forgings and Alloys Ltd., Victoria Forge, Livesey Street

5Gell Streett13623

Gell Street

6Fairbank Roadt13624

Fairbank Road

7Watson Road, Broomhill at the junction with (foreground) Beech Hill Roadt13625

Watson Road, Broomhill at the junction with (foreground) Beech Hill Road

8View from (foreground) Beech Hill Road looking towards (centre) Newbould Lane and (back) Whitham Road showing (centre) Buon Cibo, cafe and restaurant, No. 129 Newbould Lanet13626

View from (foreground) Beech Hill Road looking towards (centre) Newbould Lane and (back) Whitham Road showing (centre) Buon Cibo, cafe and restaurant, No. 129 Newbould Lane

9Hillfoot Road, Totley looking towards cottages on (centre left) Summer Lanet13627

Hillfoot Road, Totley looking towards cottages on (centre left) Summer Lane

10Rear of old Post Office, No. 335 Baslow Road, Totleyt13628

Rear of old Post Office, No. 335 Baslow Road, Totley

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