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1Nos. 1 - 3 Eckington Road at junction of (foreground) West Street, Beightont13512

Nos. 1 - 3 Eckington Road at junction of (foreground) West Street, Beighton

2Junction of (foreground) West Street and (left) Eckington Road, Beightont13513

Junction of (foreground) West Street and (left) Eckington Road, Beighton

3High Street, Beightont13514

High Street, Beighton

4No. 14 High Street, Beightont13515

No. 14 High Street, Beighton

5Former premises of S. H. Ward and Co. Ltd., Sheaf Brewery, No. 129 Ecclesall Road being converted into flatst13516

Former premises of S. H. Ward and Co. Ltd., Sheaf Brewery, No. 129 Ecclesall Road being converted into flats

6Junction of (foreground) Queens Road and (left) Charlotte Road t13517

Junction of (foreground) Queens Road and (left) Charlotte Road

7Queen's Road at junction with (right) Charlotte Roadt13518

Queen's Road at junction with (right) Charlotte Road

8View of (foreground) Castlegate showing (left) Exchange Brewery, (centre) Lady's Bridge and (right) Royal Victoria Buildingst13519

View of (foreground) Castlegate showing (left) Exchange Brewery, (centre) Lady's Bridge and (right) Royal Victoria Buildings

9View from (foreground) Castlegate showing (left) Royal Victoria Buildings and (right) Hancock and Lant Ltd., wholesale furniture and carpet dealerst13520

View from (foreground) Castlegate showing (left) Royal Victoria Buildings and (right) Hancock and Lant Ltd., wholesale furniture and carpet dealers

10Oaks Lanet13618

Oaks Lane

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