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1Rear of Ecclesall Vestry Hall, Cemetery Roadt13359

Rear of Ecclesall Vestry Hall, Cemetery Road

2Cross Burgess Street looking towards Pinstone Street, c.1985t13361

Cross Burgess Street looking towards Pinstone Street, c.1985

3House on Coldwell Lane, Crosspoolt13362

House on Coldwell Lane, Crosspool

4Cottage at top of Cobner Roadt13363

Cottage at top of Cobner Road

5Demolition of workshops off Carver Lanet13364

Demolition of workshops off Carver Lane

6Fire damage at Faulkners Billiard Hall, No.16 Cambridge Streett13365

Fire damage at Faulkners Billiard Hall, No.16 Cambridge Street

7Construction of Crystal Peaks Shopping Centre, c.1987t13366

Construction of Crystal Peaks Shopping Centre, c.1987

8Construction of Crystal Peaks Shopping Centre, c.1987t13367

Construction of Crystal Peaks Shopping Centre, c.1987

9Demolition of the Classic Cinema, Fitzalan Square from Commercial Street, c.1984t13368

Demolition of the Classic Cinema, Fitzalan Square from Commercial Street, c.1984

10Barge in the Canal Basin, alongside the Terminal Warehouse, Victoria Quayst13369

Barge in the Canal Basin, alongside the Terminal Warehouse, Victoria Quays

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