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1Demolition of Fervell's yard at the back of Orchard Lane to make way for Orchard Square shopping centret13340

Demolition of Fervell's yard at the back of Orchard Lane to make way for Orchard Square shopping centre

2Demolition at the back of Cutler's Hall at Exchange Gateway, showing caretaker's house for Cutlers Hallt13341

Demolition at the back of Cutler's Hall at Exchange Gateway, showing caretaker's house for Cutlers Hall

3Blast Lanet13342

Blast Lane

4Demolition of former premises of Richards Bros. and Sons Ltd., cutlery manufacturers, off Bishop Street, c.1984t13343

Demolition of former premises of Richards Bros. and Sons Ltd., cutlery manufacturers, off Bishop Street, c.1984

5Demolition of former premises of Richards Bros. and Sons Ltd., cutlery manufacturers, off Bishop Street, c.1984t13344

Demolition of former premises of Richards Bros. and Sons Ltd., cutlery manufacturers, off Bishop Street, c.1984

6James Neill and Co. (Sheffield) Ltd., tool manufacturers, Composite Steel Works, Soho Street, off Summerfield Streett13345

James Neill and Co. (Sheffield) Ltd., tool manufacturers, Composite Steel Works, Soho Street, off Summerfield Street

7Entrance road from Norfolk Street to former Register Officet13346

Entrance road from Norfolk Street to former Register Office

8Passageway off Orchard Streett13347

Passageway off Orchard Street

9Demolition at rear of former Sheffield Raincoat Stores, No. 21 Orchard Street to make way for the Orchard Square shopping centret13348

Demolition at rear of former Sheffield Raincoat Stores, No. 21 Orchard Street to make way for the Orchard Square shopping centre

10Orchard Street from Church Street showing (left) Leicester Building Society, No. 33 Church Street and (right) Thomas Breer and Co., estate agentst13349

Orchard Street from Church Street showing (left) Leicester Building Society, No. 33 Church Street and (right) Thomas Breer and Co., estate agents

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