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1Mill Race Cottages, Nos. 210 - 212 Sharrow Vale Roadt14000

Mill Race Cottages, Nos. 210 - 212 Sharrow Vale Road

2No. 53 Limb Lane, Doret14001

No. 53 Limb Lane, Dore

3The Bulldog public house, No.387 Attercliffe Road at corner with Washford Roadt14032

The Bulldog public house, No.387 Attercliffe Road at corner with Washford Road

4Former premises of W. A. Tyzack and Co. Ltd., Stella Works, Hereford Streett13333

Former premises of W. A. Tyzack and Co. Ltd., Stella Works, Hereford Street

5Next, fashion shop, Nos. 45 - 47 Fargate at junction with (left) Norfolk Rowt13334

Next, fashion shop, Nos. 45 - 47 Fargate at junction with (left) Norfolk Row

6Norfolk Street looking towards Surrey Street showing (left) Town Hall, (right) Town Hall extension (known as the Eggbox) and (top) link bridge between the two buildingst13335

Norfolk Street looking towards Surrey Street showing (left) Town Hall, (right) Town Hall extension (known as the Eggbox) and (top) link bridge between the two buildings

7North Church Streett13336

North Church Street

8West Bar at the junction of (right) Corporation Street showing Harrison (Office Supplies) Co., Peter House and (centre) Nos. 111 - 115 William Green and Co., ironfounderst13337

West Bar at the junction of (right) Corporation Street showing Harrison (Office Supplies) Co., Peter House and (centre) Nos. 111 - 115 William Green and Co., ironfounders

9Campo Lane at the junction with (right) Lee Croft t13338

Campo Lane at the junction with (right) Lee Croft

10Demolition of Fervell's yard at the back of Orchard Lane to make way for Orchard Square shopping centret13339

Demolition of Fervell's yard at the back of Orchard Lane to make way for Orchard Square shopping centre

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