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1Nos. 139 - 153 Mansfield Road, Intaket14074

Nos. 139 - 153 Mansfield Road, Intake

2Entrance (right) to Intake Cemetery, Mansfield Roadt14076

Entrance (right) to Intake Cemetery, Mansfield Road

3Nos. 260 - 270 Mansfield Roadt14077

Nos. 260 - 270 Mansfield Road

4Entrance to Hancock and Lant Ltd., furniture dealers, Blonk Street from Blonk Street bridget14078

Entrance to Hancock and Lant Ltd., furniture dealers, Blonk Street from Blonk Street bridge

5View of Fitzwilliam Street (centre) from Moore Street showing (right) the Salvation Army Centre, No. 126 Charter Rowt14079

View of Fitzwilliam Street (centre) from Moore Street showing (right) the Salvation Army Centre, No. 126 Charter Row

6Unidentified street / buildingst14080

Unidentified street / buildings

7Supertram stop, Ridgeway Road, Manor Topt13996

Supertram stop, Ridgeway Road, Manor Top

8Jarrow Road from Sharrow Vale Roadt13997

Jarrow Road from Sharrow Vale Road

9Sharrow Vale Wesleyan Reform Chapel, No. 215 Sharrow Vale Roadt13998

Sharrow Vale Wesleyan Reform Chapel, No. 215 Sharrow Vale Road

10Mill Race Cottages, Nos. 210-212, Sharrow Vale Roadt13999

Mill Race Cottages, Nos. 210-212, Sharrow Vale Road

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