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1The Forest public house, No. 48 Rutland Street at the junction with (left) Rutland Roadt14055

The Forest public house, No. 48 Rutland Street at the junction with (left) Rutland Road

2The Overlocking Store Ltd., computer accessories, No. 67 Earl Street at junction with (left) Eyre Lanet14056

The Overlocking Store Ltd., computer accessories, No. 67 Earl Street at junction with (left) Eyre Lane

3Sheffield Chamber of Commerce, Commerce House, No. 33 Earl Streett14057

Sheffield Chamber of Commerce, Commerce House, No. 33 Earl Street

4Baldwin and Francis Ltd., industrial electrical engineers, Eyre Streett14058

Baldwin and Francis Ltd., industrial electrical engineers, Eyre Street

5Former premises of Grant and Cork (Sheffield) Ltd., cutlery manufacturers, Granton Works, No. 198 Arundel Streett14059

Former premises of Grant and Cork (Sheffield) Ltd., cutlery manufacturers, Granton Works, No. 198 Arundel Street

6Affordable Furnishings (formerly the Sawmaker's Arms), No. 1 Neepsend Lanet14060

Affordable Furnishings (formerly the Sawmaker's Arms), No. 1 Neepsend Lane

7Nos. 101 - 103 Mansfield Road, Intaket14071

Nos. 101 - 103 Mansfield Road, Intake

8Nos. 125 - 133 Mansfield Road, Intaket14072

Nos. 125 - 133 Mansfield Road, Intake

9Nos. 111 - 133a Mansfield Road, Intaket14075

Nos. 111 - 133a Mansfield Road, Intake

10Nos. 133a - 137 Mansfield Road, Intaket14073

Nos. 133a - 137 Mansfield Road, Intake

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