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1Excelsior Inn, No.1 Carbrook Street t13703

Excelsior Inn, No.1 Carbrook Street

2Fidler Brothers, stone masons, Memorial Works, No. 89 Mansfield Road t14070

Fidler Brothers, stone masons, Memorial Works, No. 89 Mansfield Road

3Stanhope Road from Mansfield Road showing (left) Exquisite, hair stylists, No. 304 Mansfield Roadt14067

Stanhope Road from Mansfield Road showing (left) Exquisite, hair stylists, No. 304 Mansfield Road

4Hammerton Road Police Station at the junction of (right) Dodd Streett14066

Hammerton Road Police Station at the junction of (right) Dodd Street

5Old Toll Bar House, No. 329 Langsett Road showing (far right) the Hillsborough Family Dental Centre, No. 1 Victor Streett14065

Old Toll Bar House, No. 329 Langsett Road showing (far right) the Hillsborough Family Dental Centre, No. 1 Victor Street

6Victor Street (centre) from Langsett Road showing (left) the Hillsborough Family Dental Centre, No. 1 Victor Streett14064

Victor Street (centre) from Langsett Road showing (left) the Hillsborough Family Dental Centre, No. 1 Victor Street

7Former Neepsend Rolling Mills Ltd., Neepsend Lane being converted to Kelham House officest14051

Former Neepsend Rolling Mills Ltd., Neepsend Lane being converted to Kelham House offices

8Lancaster Street looking towards (centre) former Neepsend Rolling Mills Ltd., Neepsend Lane being converted to Kelham House officest14052

Lancaster Street looking towards (centre) former Neepsend Rolling Mills Ltd., Neepsend Lane being converted to Kelham House offices

9Former Bull's Head public house, No. 18 Dun Street at the corner of (right) Dun Lanet14053

Former Bull's Head public house, No. 18 Dun Street at the corner of (right) Dun Lane

10Former Wheatsheaf Inn, No. 2 Platt Street, Neepsendt14054

Former Wheatsheaf Inn, No. 2 Platt Street, Neepsend

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