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1Norfolk Street showing (centre) No. 109 Brown Bear public house and (right) Nos. 111 - 115 Mama's, Italian restaurantt13579

Norfolk Street showing (centre) No. 109 Brown Bear public house and (right) Nos. 111 - 115 Mama's, Italian restaurant

2Dog and Partridge public house, No. 56 Trippet Lane at the junction with Bailey Streett13580

Dog and Partridge public house, No. 56 Trippet Lane at the junction with Bailey Street

3Fat Cat public house, No. 23 Alma Streett13581

Fat Cat public house, No. 23 Alma Street

4Wellington Inn (formerly Cask and Cutler public house ), No. 1 Henry Street, junction of Infirmary Road, Netherthorpe.t13582

Wellington Inn (formerly Cask and Cutler public house ), No. 1 Henry Street, junction of Infirmary Road, Netherthorpe.

5Ship Inn, No. 312 Shalesmoort13583

Ship Inn, No. 312 Shalesmoor

6Fox House Inn, Hathersage Roadt13584

Fox House Inn, Hathersage Road

7Kings Head public house, No. 709 Attercliffe Roadt13585

Kings Head public house, No. 709 Attercliffe Road

8Wellington Inn, No. 720 Brightside Lane at junction with (right) Hawke Streett13586

Wellington Inn, No. 720 Brightside Lane at junction with (right) Hawke Street

9Fat Cat public house, No. 23 Alma Streett13587

Fat Cat public house, No. 23 Alma Street

10Station Hotel (also known as Station Inn), No. 732 Attercliffe Road showing (right) No. 730 Hargeisa cafe and No. 728 H. Hewitt, ladies and gents hairdressers t13588

Station Hotel (also known as Station Inn), No. 732 Attercliffe Road showing (right) No. 730 Hargeisa cafe and No. 728 H. Hewitt, ladies and gents hairdressers

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