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1Burnaby Street  from Langsett Road t14063

Burnaby Street from Langsett Road

2Hammerton Road (at the junction with Langsett Road), showing (right) No. 393 the Boys' Club, (former Old Soldiers' Home)t14062

Hammerton Road (at the junction with Langsett Road), showing (right) No. 393 the Boys' Club, (former Old Soldiers' Home)

3Shops on Langsett Road, showing (left) No. 393 the Boys' Club, (former Old Soldiers' Home)t14061

Shops on Langsett Road, showing (left) No. 393 the Boys' Club, (former Old Soldiers' Home)

4Alexandra Hotel, No. 549 Carlisle Street Eastt13554

Alexandra Hotel, No. 549 Carlisle Street East

5Frog and Parrot public house, No. 94 Division Street at junction with Westfield Terracet13556

Frog and Parrot public house, No. 94 Division Street at junction with Westfield Terrace

6Frog and Parrot public house, No. 94 Division Street at junction with (left) Westfield Terracet13557

Frog and Parrot public house, No. 94 Division Street at junction with (left) Westfield Terrace

7No. 159 Upperthorpe Hotel (left) and No.161 A. Twelvetree, furniture and carpet dealer, Upperthorpe Roadt13562

No. 159 Upperthorpe Hotel (left) and No.161 A. Twelvetree, furniture and carpet dealer, Upperthorpe Road

8Rising Sun public house, No. 665 Abbey Lanet13575

Rising Sun public house, No. 665 Abbey Lane

9Orchard Street showing (left) No. 25 Museum Hotel and (right) No. 29 John Nolan, jewellerst13576

Orchard Street showing (left) No. 25 Museum Hotel and (right) No. 29 John Nolan, jewellers

10The Crown public house, Hillfoot Roadt13578

The Crown public house, Hillfoot Road

Found 5358 records.

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