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1Photograph from Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: Darkhill sidings [Coleford, Gloucestershire]t14960

Photograph from Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: Darkhill sidings [Coleford, Gloucestershire]

2Photograph from Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: unidentified locationt14961

Photograph from Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: unidentified location

3Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: derelict Titanic Steel and Iron Co., Forest Steel Works, Coleford, Gloucestershiret14962

Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: derelict Titanic Steel and Iron Co., Forest Steel Works, Coleford, Gloucestershire

4Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: derelict Titanic Steel and Iron Co., Forest Steel Works, Coleford, Gloucestershiret14963

Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: derelict Titanic Steel and Iron Co., Forest Steel Works, Coleford, Gloucestershire

5Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: derelict Titanic Steel and Iron Co., Forest Steel Works, Coleford, Gloucestershiret14964

Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: derelict Titanic Steel and Iron Co., Forest Steel Works, Coleford, Gloucestershire

6Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: derelict Titanic Steel and Iron Co., Forest Steel Works, Coleford, Gloucestershiret14965

Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: derelict Titanic Steel and Iron Co., Forest Steel Works, Coleford, Gloucestershire

7Photograph from Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: unidentified locationt14966

Photograph from Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: unidentified location

8Photograph from Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: unidentified locationt14967

Photograph from Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: unidentified location

9Photograph from Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: unidentified locationt14968

Photograph from Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: unidentified location

10Photograph from Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: unidentified locationt14969

Photograph from Sir John Osborn (1922 - 2015) MP: unidentified location

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