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Found 8345 records
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1 | a08456 White Lion public house, No. 615 London Road, Heeley | ||
2 | t13938 Construction of Sheffield Science Park, Howard Street showing (back left) Dyson House and (centre) former Kennings Ltd., car dealers and motor engineers | ||
3 | t13939 Remains of front elevation of Loxley Congregational Chapel, Loxley Road | ||
4 | t13434 Union Lane looking towards Roebuck Tavern, No. 72 Charles Street | ||
5 | t13435 Pinfold Street looking towards Trippet Lane showing (left) Steel City House and (right) Steel City Plaza | ||
6 | t13436 Orchard Place looking towards Orchard Square shopping centre showing craft shops on upper level | ||
7 | t13437 Education Department offices (right), Leopold Street showing (top centre) Fountain Precinct offices | ||
8 | t13438 Cole Brothers (latterly John Lewis), Barkers Pool | ||
9 | t13439 Charles Street from Norfolk Street showing (centre left) No. 69 Yorkshire Grey public house, (centre right) No. 72 Roebuck Tavern and (right) Howden House offices | ||
10 | t13440 Union Street looking towards (centre) Town Hall extension (also known as The EggBox) and (right) Howden House |
Found 8345 records.