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1South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Supertram No. 11 on Park Square Supertram bridgesypte00585

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Supertram No. 11 on Park Square Supertram bridge

2South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Supertram on bridge over the near Staniforth Roadsypte00586

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Supertram on bridge over the near Staniforth Road

3South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Supertram No. 8 on Park Grange Roadsypte00588

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Supertram No. 8 on Park Grange Road

428 Tavistock Road, Nether Edgev04682

28 Tavistock Road, Nether Edge

5328 Edmund Roadv04683

328 Edmund Road

6Auditorium of the Gaumont 1 Cinema, Barkers Poolv05228

Auditorium of the Gaumont 1 Cinema, Barkers Pool

7Auditorium of the Gaumont 2 Cinema, Barkers Poolv05229

Auditorium of the Gaumont 2 Cinema, Barkers Pool

8Portobello Street showing (centre) Sir Frederick Mappin Building and Amy Johnson Building, University of Sheffieldt14199

Portobello Street showing (centre) Sir Frederick Mappin Building and Amy Johnson Building, University of Sheffield

9Ranmoor House, No. 237 Graham Roadu12340

Ranmoor House, No. 237 Graham Road

10Fargate showing (left) the entrance to the Orchard Square [Shopping Centre] showing No. 58 Dixons Ltd., photographical equipment, audiovisual and electronics store u12082

Fargate showing (left) the entrance to the Orchard Square [Shopping Centre] showing No. 58 Dixons Ltd., photographical equipment, audiovisual and electronics store

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