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1Card issued by R. Waterhouse, wholesale confectioner, West Bar, Sheffield for distribution with funeral biscuitsy15506

Card issued by R. Waterhouse, wholesale confectioner, West Bar, Sheffield for distribution with funeral biscuits

2Card issued by R. Waterhouse, wholesale confectioner, West Bar, Sheffield for distribution with funeral biscuitsy15507

Card issued by R. Waterhouse, wholesale confectioner, West Bar, Sheffield for distribution with funeral biscuits

3Card issued by R. Waterhouse, wholesale confectioner, West Bar, Sheffield for distribution with funeral biscuitsy15508

Card issued by R. Waterhouse, wholesale confectioner, West Bar, Sheffield for distribution with funeral biscuits

4Sheffield Old Bank. Five pound notey15515

Sheffield Old Bank. Five pound note

5Sheffield Old Bank. Reverse of five pound notey15516

Sheffield Old Bank. Reverse of five pound note

6A map of the land belonging to Wortley Forgesarc07349

A map of the land belonging to Wortley Forges

7Rev. Jonathan Scott (1735 - 1807), soldier and evangelistarc06236

Rev. Jonathan Scott (1735 - 1807), soldier and evangelist

8The Most Hon. Charles [Watson Wentworth] [2nd] Marquiss of Rockingham (1730 - 1782) arc06241

The Most Hon. Charles [Watson Wentworth] [2nd] Marquiss of Rockingham (1730 - 1782)

9The Revd. Thos. Grove, minister of the Gospel at Rotherhamarc06242

The Revd. Thos. Grove, minister of the Gospel at Rotherham

10The Revd. John Gambold (1711-1771) M.A.. formerly minister of Stanton Harcourt [Oxfordshire], and late one of the Bishops of the Unita Fratrumarc06243

The Revd. John Gambold (1711-1771) M.A.. formerly minister of Stanton Harcourt [Oxfordshire], and late one of the Bishops of the Unita Fratrum

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