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1Unidentified women outside housev05133

Unidentified women outside house

2Unidentified childrenv05134

Unidentified children

3Unidentified groupu12452

Unidentified group

4William Whitworth on his boneshaker bicycle, Burrowlee House, Burrowlee Roadu12489

William Whitworth on his boneshaker bicycle, Burrowlee House, Burrowlee Road

5Burrowlee House, Burrowlee Roadu12490

Burrowlee House, Burrowlee Road

6Unknown child, Burrowlee House, Burrowlee Roadu12491

Unknown child, Burrowlee House, Burrowlee Road

7'Granny Whitworth' [Anna Maria Whitworth?] knitting for soldiers in 1915 with her indoor staff and daughter in law., Burrowlee House, Burrowlee Roadu12492

'Granny Whitworth' [Anna Maria Whitworth?] knitting for soldiers in 1915 with her indoor staff and daughter in law., Burrowlee House, Burrowlee Road

8Child at Burrowlee House, Burrowlee Roadu12493

Child at Burrowlee House, Burrowlee Road

9Boating lake and Firth Park clock tower pavilion, Firth Park Roadt05100

Boating lake and Firth Park clock tower pavilion, Firth Park Road

10Norfolk Market Hall - rebuilding the west end, c. 1903u12524

Norfolk Market Hall - rebuilding the west end, c. 1903

Found 7314 records.

Page of 732.