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1View from Redvers House of (left) Winter Garden and (right) Novotel and Register Officea07893

View from Redvers House of (left) Winter Garden and (right) Novotel and Register Office

2Yorkshire Air Ambulance helicopter, Sheffield Airporta07894

Yorkshire Air Ambulance helicopter, Sheffield Airport

3Bessemer Converter, Kelham Island Museumu12997

Bessemer Converter, Kelham Island Museum

4John Collins, rag and bone collector, of Hill Streetu12998

John Collins, rag and bone collector, of Hill Street

5Mayfield Valley looking towards (left) Fulwoodu12999

Mayfield Valley looking towards (left) Fulwood

6Tony Foulds, Councillors Mary Lea, Olivia Blake and Lewis Dagnall, at Endcliffe Park with Friends of the Porter Valley (FoPV) at the memorial to Flying Fortress (Mi Amigo) crasha07983

Tony Foulds, Councillors Mary Lea, Olivia Blake and Lewis Dagnall, at Endcliffe Park with Friends of the Porter Valley (FoPV) at the memorial to Flying Fortress (Mi Amigo) crash

7You couldn't wipe the grin off Tony Foulds' face when he unveiled the permanent US flagpole to the crew of Flying Fortress (Mi Amigo) at Endcliffe Parka07984

You couldn't wipe the grin off Tony Foulds' face when he unveiled the permanent US flagpole to the crew of Flying Fortress (Mi Amigo) at Endcliffe Park

8Tony Foulds at the memorial to the crew of Flying Fortress (Mi Amigo) at Endcliffe Parka07985

Tony Foulds at the memorial to the crew of Flying Fortress (Mi Amigo) at Endcliffe Park

9Sheffield's Lord Mayor, Magid Magid, at the Town Halla07986

Sheffield's Lord Mayor, Magid Magid, at the Town Hall

10John Mothersole, Chief Executive of Sheffield City Council 2008 - 2019a07987

John Mothersole, Chief Executive of Sheffield City Council 2008 - 2019

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