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1RotherRide bus No. CT 3sypte00280

RotherRide bus No. CT 3

2Yorkshire Terrier Bus Company bus No. 2477 on Crookes No. 52 routesypte00281

Yorkshire Terrier Bus Company bus No. 2477 on Crookes No. 52 route

3Rural Links bus, the Samuel Fox, outside The Castle Inn, Stone Moor Road, Bolsterstonesypte00282

Rural Links bus, the Samuel Fox, outside The Castle Inn, Stone Moor Road, Bolsterstone

4Rural Links bus, on the No. 65 route, Strines via Bradfieldsypte00283

Rural Links bus, on the No. 65 route, Strines via Bradfield

5Supertram No. 17 on Park Grange Roadsypte00284

Supertram No. 17 on Park Grange Road

6First Buses bus No. 253 on No. 201 route, Meadowhall via Stocksbridge, at St. Mary's Terrace, Bolsterstonesypte00285

First Buses bus No. 253 on No. 201 route, Meadowhall via Stocksbridge, at St. Mary's Terrace, Bolsterstone

7Supertram No. 25 on Park Grange Roadsypte00286

Supertram No. 25 on Park Grange Road

8Actor Bryan Mosley (1931 - 1999) at probably a South Yorkshire Passenger Transport eventsypte00287

Actor Bryan Mosley (1931 - 1999) at probably a South Yorkshire Passenger Transport event

9South Yorkshire Supertram liverysypte00288

South Yorkshire Supertram livery

10Wombwell Railway Stationsypte00289

Wombwell Railway Station

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