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1Remains of front elevation of Loxley Congregational Chapel, Loxley Roadt13939

Remains of front elevation of Loxley Congregational Chapel, Loxley Road

2Union Lane looking towards Roebuck Tavern, No. 72 Charles Streett13434

Union Lane looking towards Roebuck Tavern, No. 72 Charles Street

3Pinfold Street looking towards Trippet Lane showing (left) Steel City House and (right) Steel City Plazat13435

Pinfold Street looking towards Trippet Lane showing (left) Steel City House and (right) Steel City Plaza

4Orchard Place looking towards Orchard Square shopping centre showing craft shops on upper levelt13436

Orchard Place looking towards Orchard Square shopping centre showing craft shops on upper level

5Education Department offices (right), Leopold Street showing (top centre) Fountain Precinct officest13437

Education Department offices (right), Leopold Street showing (top centre) Fountain Precinct offices

6Cole Brothers (latterly John Lewis), Barkers Poolt13438

Cole Brothers (latterly John Lewis), Barkers Pool

7Charles Street from Norfolk Street showing (centre left) No. 69 Yorkshire Grey public house, (centre right) No. 72 Roebuck Tavern and (right) Howden House officest13439

Charles Street from Norfolk Street showing (centre left) No. 69 Yorkshire Grey public house, (centre right) No. 72 Roebuck Tavern and (right) Howden House offices

8Union Street looking towards (centre) Town Hall extension (also known as The EggBox) and (right) Howden Houset13440

Union Street looking towards (centre) Town Hall extension (also known as The EggBox) and (right) Howden House

9Carver Street Wesleyan Methodist Church buildings, Rockingham Lanet13498

Carver Street Wesleyan Methodist Church buildings, Rockingham Lane

10Norfolk Street looking towards Union Street showing (left) Howden House and (right) No. 194 National Deposit Friendly Society c.2001t13441

Norfolk Street looking towards Union Street showing (left) Howden House and (right) No. 194 National Deposit Friendly Society c.2001

Found 10731 records.

Page of 1074.