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1Furnace worker quenching his thirstrb00291

Furnace worker quenching his thirst

2Corn Exchange at junction of (right) Wharf Street showing (l. to r.) Midland Bank Ltd., Horners Creameries, Sam Adams Ltd., wholesale fruit and vegetable merchants and City School of Motoringrb00049

Corn Exchange at junction of (right) Wharf Street showing (l. to r.) Midland Bank Ltd., Horners Creameries, Sam Adams Ltd., wholesale fruit and vegetable merchants and City School of Motoring

3Smoke and chimneys above George Senior and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturers, Ponds Forge, Sheaf Streetrb00048

Smoke and chimneys above George Senior and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturers, Ponds Forge, Sheaf Street

4South Yorkshire County Council (SYCC): Pageant of the Horse, c.1977sycc00060

South Yorkshire County Council (SYCC): Pageant of the Horse, c.1977

5Sheffield Magistrates Court, c. 1970u12627

Sheffield Magistrates Court, c. 1970

6House adjoining Court House (formerly the old Town Hall), Waingate c.1970u12362

House adjoining Court House (formerly the old Town Hall), Waingate c.1970

7Shepley Spitfire public house, Mickley Lane, Totleyt13814

Shepley Spitfire public house, Mickley Lane, Totley

8Hot air baloon (with motif Hassall Homes) over Attercliffe showing (background) Tinsley cooling towers and (right) British Oxygen Co. Ltd., Broughton Lane, mid 1970sph00085

Hot air baloon (with motif Hassall Homes) over Attercliffe showing (background) Tinsley cooling towers and (right) British Oxygen Co. Ltd., Broughton Lane, mid 1970s

9Unidentified industrial equipment in probably the Meadowhall area, mid 1970sph00095

Unidentified industrial equipment in probably the Meadowhall area, mid 1970s

10Sheffield Canal Basin, now Victoria Quays showing (left) Hyde Park Flatsrb00001

Sheffield Canal Basin, now Victoria Quays showing (left) Hyde Park Flats

Found 7915 records.

Page of 792.