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1Man standing outside the Town Hall extension (also known as the Egg Box (Eggbox))ph00199

Man standing outside the Town Hall extension (also known as the Egg Box (Eggbox))

2Rear of Matilda Streetph00215

Rear of Matilda Street

3View of City Centre over Granville Street and the Sheffield Midland railway stationph00216

View of City Centre over Granville Street and the Sheffield Midland railway station

4Construction of Hyde Park Flatsu12054

Construction of Hyde Park Flats

5Passenger steam train at Brightside Station showing (top right) Brightside School and (top left) Jenkin Road bridgerb00023

Passenger steam train at Brightside Station showing (top right) Brightside School and (top left) Jenkin Road bridge

6Players from Sheffield Wednesday Football Club visiting Wisewood Primary Schoolarc06687

Players from Sheffield Wednesday Football Club visiting Wisewood Primary School

7Players from Sheffield Wednesday Football Club visiting Wisewood Primary Schoolarc06688

Players from Sheffield Wednesday Football Club visiting Wisewood Primary School

8Players from Sheffield Wednesday Football Club visiting Wisewood Primary Schoolarc06689

Players from Sheffield Wednesday Football Club visiting Wisewood Primary School

9Marlcliffe Council School, stage production, [c. 1950s?]arc06691

Marlcliffe Council School, stage production, [c. 1950s?]

10Marlcliffe Council School, staffarc06697

Marlcliffe Council School, staff

Found 7873 records.

Page of 788.