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1South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Darnall Railway Station, Station Roadsypte00443

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Darnall Railway Station, Station Road

2Poster relating to a tennis competition between Sheffield and Donetsk (Ukraine), [1980]y15495

Poster relating to a tennis competition between Sheffield and Donetsk (Ukraine), [1980]

3South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Entrance to Conisbrough Railway Station, Station Roadsypte00444

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Entrance to Conisbrough Railway Station, Station Road

4South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Conisbrough Railway Station, Station Roadsypte00445

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Conisbrough Railway Station, Station Road

5South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Chapeltown Railway Stationsypte00452

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Chapeltown Railway Station

6South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Railway bridge at Chapeltown Railway Station, Lound Sidesypte00453

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Railway bridge at Chapeltown Railway Station, Lound Side

7South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Bus and Train information, Chapeltown Railway Station, Lound Sidesypte00454

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Bus and Train information, Chapeltown Railway Station, Lound Side

8South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Platform shelter, Chapeltown Railway Stationsypte00455

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Platform shelter, Chapeltown Railway Station

9Poster relating to a figure skating performance by young people of Sheffield and Donetsk (Ukraine), 1980y15496

Poster relating to a figure skating performance by young people of Sheffield and Donetsk (Ukraine), 1980

10Bar in former S. H. Ward and Co. Ltd., Sheaf Brewery, No. 129 Ecclesall Roada08447

Bar in former S. H. Ward and Co. Ltd., Sheaf Brewery, No. 129 Ecclesall Road

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