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1Royal Oak, No.31 Manchester Road, Deepcara08387

Royal Oak, No.31 Manchester Road, Deepcar

2Inn sign for the Shoulder of Mutton Inn, No.19 Top Road, Worrall c. 1990sa08400

Inn sign for the Shoulder of Mutton Inn, No.19 Top Road, Worrall c. 1990s

3The Shoulder of Mutton Inn, No.19 Top Road, Worrall, c. 1990sa08401

The Shoulder of Mutton Inn, No.19 Top Road, Worrall, c. 1990s

4The Shoulder of Mutton Inn, No.19 Top Road, Worrall, c. 1990sa08402

The Shoulder of Mutton Inn, No.19 Top Road, Worrall, c. 1990s

5William Stones Ltd., Cannon Brewery, Rutland Roada08410

William Stones Ltd., Cannon Brewery, Rutland Road

6Crown Inn, No.116 Neepsend Lane at junction with Rutland Road showing (back) William Stones Ltd., Cannon Brewerya08412

Crown Inn, No.116 Neepsend Lane at junction with Rutland Road showing (back) William Stones Ltd., Cannon Brewery

7Tennant Brothers Ltd., Exchange Brewery, Bridge Streeta08418

Tennant Brothers Ltd., Exchange Brewery, Bridge Street

8South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Kiveton Park railway stationsypte00399

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Kiveton Park railway station

9South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Kiveton Park railway stationsypte00400

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Kiveton Park railway station

10South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Signal box, Kiveton Park railway stationsypte00401

South Yorkshire Transport Executive (SYPTE). Signal box, Kiveton Park railway station

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Page of 792.