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1Sheffield Old Bank. Reverse of five pound notey15516

Sheffield Old Bank. Reverse of five pound note

2House, workshops, erected on the leasehold ground of Thomas Holy and William Newbould, [The Moor], [1790]arc04259

House, workshops, erected on the leasehold ground of Thomas Holy and William Newbould, [The Moor], [1790]

3Allotments made to J Wilkinson and P Gell, set out in lots; and other allotments between Cumberland Street and Hereford Street, [1798]arc04256

Allotments made to J Wilkinson and P Gell, set out in lots; and other allotments between Cumberland Street and Hereford Street, [1798]

4Earl Fitzwilliam's land between Bright Street [Fitzwilliam Street] and Rockingham Street set out for building, [c. 1790 - 1801]arc04260

Earl Fitzwilliam's land between Bright Street [Fitzwilliam Street] and Rockingham Street set out for building, [c. 1790 - 1801]

5A plan of Crookes Moor in the parish of Sheffield, drawn by W. Fairbankarc06730

A plan of Crookes Moor in the parish of Sheffield, drawn by W. Fairbank

6Sheffield - Wain Gate, Castle Folds, Hay Market and Dixon Lane, c. 1790arc04278

Sheffield - Wain Gate, Castle Folds, Hay Market and Dixon Lane, c. 1790

7Town land in Waingate, Castle Green and Bridge Street, [c. 1780 - 1790]arc04279

Town land in Waingate, Castle Green and Bridge Street, [c. 1780 - 1790]

8A plan of the tenements held of the Burgesses and Free Tenants of Sheffield between the Castle Green and Waingate, [1793]arc04280

A plan of the tenements held of the Burgesses and Free Tenants of Sheffield between the Castle Green and Waingate, [1793]

9Watson's Walk. Land purchased of Francis Fenton to be exchanged for an addition to the Meeting House Burying Ground ... [1782]arc04284

Watson's Walk. Land purchased of Francis Fenton to be exchanged for an addition to the Meeting House Burying Ground ... [1782]

10A plan of the tenements belonging to the Earl of Surrey in the West Bar, West Bar Green, and Newhall Street, and between those streets and Spring Croft, [1781]arc04285

A plan of the tenements belonging to the Earl of Surrey in the West Bar, West Bar Green, and Newhall Street, and between those streets and Spring Croft, [1781]

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